Sunday 15 November 2015

Today I will do absolutely nothing


Just as I promise here are the pictures of our Friday night out. I'm still trying to get back to normal so today I'm just relaxing . I visit my aunt and had lunch with her. After that I went on a coffee and cake with my friends.
Combination from Friday night out: blouse from, boots Asos, skirt H&M, blazer J. Taylor.


Kao sto sam i obecala stizu slike od naseg izlaska u petak. Jos pokusavam da se oporavim od toga pa nedelju provodim relaksirajuci se. Danas sam bila kod tetke na rucku, a ostatak dana sam provela sa prijateljima uz kaficu i kolace.
Kombinacija od Petka: bluza, cizme Asos, suknja H&M, sako J.Taylor.


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