Thursday, 19 November 2015

One day 'Til Friday!

Hi from me!

Today I plan the day very well so I have time to write a new post. Standard start of the day work and just work, after that coffee and lunch. Now I'm finally resting home and listening to 2Cellos. Just the other day somebody asked me what am I always listening on the way to work. This is something from my  playlist and I can listen to 2Cellos all the time.
My favorite one:
Another one
Let's talk about fashion a little bit. November is so so good to us. I can wear the combinations for Spring not Autumn. Weather is great for this time of year. Because I'm not writing everyday I can put all the combinations but I'm trying to pick the most interesting to me. This is from Thursday and I'm wearing Denim&Co. sweat shirt, Missguided dress, Street One scarf, Gap jacket, North Star boots, Top Shop bag and MK watch.

Caos od mene!

Danas sam bas dobro isplanirala dan tako da sam pronasla vremena da opet napisem jedan post. Standardan pocetak dana posao pa opet posao, nakon toga sam uhvatila vremena za kaficu i rucak. Sada uzivam kuci odmarajuci se i slusajuci 2Cellos. Bas me je prije koji dan neko pitao sta stalno
slusam na putu do posla. Evo dve pesme koje se nalaze na mojoj playlist-i. 2Cellos mogu slusati u bilo koje doba dana.
Dve omiljene:
Sada malo o modi. Novembar je tako dobar prema nama. Mogu da nosim kombinacije koje su predvidjene za prolece, a ne jesen i to kasnu. Za ovo doba godine vreme je super. Pokusavam da vam izdvojim najbolje kombinacije tokom nedelje. Nisam u mogucnosti da pisem svaki dan pa sledi kombinacija od utorka. Nosim: Denim&Co. majica, Missguided haljina, Street One marama, Gap jakna, Top Shop torba i MK sat.

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