Saturday, 28 November 2015

Saturday is a state of mind!


Today is a pretty cold day. Early in the morning it was combination of snow and rain. I barely woke up and forced myself to go to work. Working on Saturday, who came up with that? On my way to work I was thinking about hundred things. Yesterday talking to my friend I realised that we have so much problems these days, and we are trying to carry that on our back every day. What happened in the mine time that we have so much on our mind!? So many ups & downs...
Black Friday was not so successful to us. We bought just a few things, nothing special. After that coffee, lunch and little bit of chit chat.
Today's combination Parisian jacket, Parfois bag, Timberland boots, H&M jeans, S. Oliver scarf.


Product of the day: Batiste Dry Shampoo- Medium and Brunette


Danas je bas hladnjikavo vreme. Ujutro je padao sneg u kombinaciji sa kisom. Jedva sam se naterala da ustanem i da se spremim za posao. Posao subotom, ko je to izmislio uopste? Na putu do posla sam razmisljala o sto cuda. U jucerasnjem razgovoru sa drugaricom sam u nekom trenutku pomislila sa koliko problema moramo da se borimo ovih dana. I sta se to desilo u medjuvremenu kad stalno moramo da razmisljamo o tome. Toliko uspona i padova...
Black Friday i nije ispunio nasa ocekivanja. Kupile smo par sitnica, zapravo nista specijalno. Posle toga su kafa i rucak malo izvukle situaciju.
Danasnja kombinacija: Parisian jakna, Parfois torba, Timberland cizme, H&M farmerke, S. Oliver marama.

Moj omiljeni kozmeticki proizvod:




Thursday, 26 November 2015

Just one day 'til Friday

Rainy day today and it's little bit snowing but temperature is plus one so snow is not staying yet. I have to postpone my shopping because I have so may obligations today. Tomorrow is Black Friday so it's supposed to be the busiest shopping day of the year and is the official kick -off to the Christmas shopping season. Maybe not so popular in our country but all over the world it is. We are preparing for it so tomorrow first thing in the morning- shopping. Today's combination: Marks&Spencer sweater, Denim&Co. jeans, Armani Code perfume, Michael Kors watch, Essence nail polish and Parfois necklace. 

Kisni dan danas, a i snezni pomalo. Ipak je temperatura iznad nule pa se sneg ne zadrzava. Danas sam morala prebaciti sve planove za sutra. Imala sam previse obaveza iako sam mislila da se nadjem sa drugaricom pa da konacno malo prosvrljamo gradom uz naravno neizbezni soping. Sutra je Black Friday, trebao bi biti najprometniji dan u godini i on zvanicno oznacava pocetak bozicnih i novogodisnjih praznika. Mozda i nije toliko popularan u nasim krajevima, ali u svetu se iscekuje sa nestrpljenjem. Sutra odmah ujutro krecemo u soping akciju. 
Danasnja kombinacija: Marks&Spencer dzemper, Denim&Co. farmerke, Armani Code parfem, Michael Kors sat, Essence lak za nokte i Parfois ogrlica.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

NYX discovery from yesterday!

Tue, November 24th, 2015

Today was a such a boring day. Hours on work passes so slowly. It's so cold outside and it seems that is going to snow soon. I'm not a fan of Winter, definitely Summer type. Tomorrow's plan is to first have a quality shopping with my friend and than coffee break. Today's combination: H&M sweater, Peacocks coat, Accessorize scarf, Denim&Co. jeans, Atmosphere t-shirt.
My discovery from yesterday is NYX concealer. I'll put a link so you can see, but this really works. I was thrilled with this product so I recommended to  everybody.


Danas je tako neki neobican i dosadan dan. Vreme na poslu je toliko sporo prolazilo. Jako je zahladilo i deluje da ce uskoro padati sneg. Uopste nisam fan zime, vise sam letnji tip. Plan za sutrasnje prepodne soping i kafa sa drugaricom. Danasnja kombinacija: H&M dzemper, Peacocks kaput, Accessorize sal, Denim&Co. farmerke, Atmosphere majica.
I naravno otkrice jucerasnjeg dana NYX korektor. Stavljam link da vidite. Ja sam definitivno odusevljena i u mom slucaju deluje pa bi ga toplo preporucila svima.


Sunday, 22 November 2015

I love days when my only problem is tea or coffee!

Sunday- relax!

Things to do today:
1) Not a damn thing.

Except writing a blog. Just that one thing for today. It's rainy day and is pretty cold outside so I'm not going anywhere. Tuck in a blanket and watch a movie and tennis match in 19 hours. Today I quickly arrange my wardrobe, just eliminate the jackets I cannot wear anymore. I can say goodbye to leather jackets, parka, blazer, jeans jackets and many more. Until the next year. I can't believe that a few days ago I was wearing clothes appropriated for springtime. Combination for today's blog was a few days ago.
Combination Next trench coat, Accessorize scarf, Asos jeans, Parfois bag, All Star sneakers and t-shirt Atmosphere.

Nedelje- relaksiranje!

Stvati koje cu uraditi danas:
1) Apsolutno nista

Danas mi je plan da ne radim ama bas nista osim sto cu napisati blog. Napolju pada kisa i bas je hladno pa cu danas preskociti izlazak u javnost. Ususkala sm se i imam u planu da pogledam neki film i naravno teniski mec u 19h. Danas sam brzinski preletela po garderobi i sklonila jakne koje se vise ne mogu nositi. Rekla sam baj baj koznim jaknama, parkama, blejzerima i ostalom. Do seledece godine. Ne mogu da verujem da sam se prije koji dan oblacila kao da je prolece, a ne kraj novembra. Neobicno vreme za ovo doba godine. Danasnja kombinacija: Next mantil, Accessorize marama, Parfois torba, All Star patike i majica Atmosphere.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Finally Friday!!!


This week was full of different obligations. I'm at the end with my energy for this week. I had a plan for tonight but I'm postponing everything for tomorrow. Maybe I'm going to watch a movie and make something for dinner. Tomorrow morning a have already agreed two coffees before work.
Today's combination Ralph Lauren shirt, Internacionale jacket, Ray Ban sunglasses, Jessica Simpson boots and Denim & Co. jeans.


Ova nedelja je bila maksimalno ispunjena raznim obavezama. Danas sam vec na izmaku snage i ponestaje mi energije za sutrasnji dan na poslu. Mozda cu veceras pogledati neki film i napraviti konacno nesto za vecericu. Za sutra imam zakazana dva kafenisanja prije posla pa me to veseli. Ipak je subotom spica u gradu.
Kombinacija: Ralph Lauren  kosulja, Internacionale jakna, Ray Ban naocale, Jessica Simpson cizme i Denim & Co. farmerke.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

One day 'Til Friday!

Hi from me!

Today I plan the day very well so I have time to write a new post. Standard start of the day work and just work, after that coffee and lunch. Now I'm finally resting home and listening to 2Cellos. Just the other day somebody asked me what am I always listening on the way to work. This is something from my  playlist and I can listen to 2Cellos all the time.
My favorite one:
Another one
Let's talk about fashion a little bit. November is so so good to us. I can wear the combinations for Spring not Autumn. Weather is great for this time of year. Because I'm not writing everyday I can put all the combinations but I'm trying to pick the most interesting to me. This is from Thursday and I'm wearing Denim&Co. sweat shirt, Missguided dress, Street One scarf, Gap jacket, North Star boots, Top Shop bag and MK watch.

Caos od mene!

Danas sam bas dobro isplanirala dan tako da sam pronasla vremena da opet napisem jedan post. Standardan pocetak dana posao pa opet posao, nakon toga sam uhvatila vremena za kaficu i rucak. Sada uzivam kuci odmarajuci se i slusajuci 2Cellos. Bas me je prije koji dan neko pitao sta stalno
slusam na putu do posla. Evo dve pesme koje se nalaze na mojoj playlist-i. 2Cellos mogu slusati u bilo koje doba dana.
Dve omiljene:
Sada malo o modi. Novembar je tako dobar prema nama. Mogu da nosim kombinacije koje su predvidjene za prolece, a ne jesen i to kasnu. Za ovo doba godine vreme je super. Pokusavam da vam izdvojim najbolje kombinacije tokom nedelje. Nisam u mogucnosti da pisem svaki dan pa sledi kombinacija od utorka. Nosim: Denim&Co. majica, Missguided haljina, Street One marama, Gap jakna, Top Shop torba i MK sat.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

It's just Wednesday!

Hi everybody!

Today was as always crazy day at work, but  that's nothing new. I was waiting to finish a job to relax on a coffee with my friends. I had more obligations after that so i needed to take a quick break. Today I'm already making a plans for weekend although is the middle of the week. B. are you taking me on a cocktails on Saturday :) ? D what about Friday night? The brightest moment of Wednesday was my fashion combination and my favorite new over the knee boots.
Combination: Hermes Paris scarf, River Island blazer, Asos boots, Top Shop bag, Atmosphere t-shirt, Denim & Co. jeans.


Caos drustvance!

Danas je bio lud dan na poslu, ali nista novo. Jedva sam cekala da zavrsim sa obavezama na poslu i da odem na relaksirajucu kafu sa prijateljima. Morala sam da napravim kratku pauzu izmedju raznih obaveza. Kasnije sam jos zaglavila resavajuci jednu od njih. Danas vec pokusavam da napravim planove za vikend, iako je polovina nedelje. B da li me vodis u subotu na koktele? D kakav nam je plan za petak vece? Jedina svetla tacka dana je bila moja modna kombinacija sa naravno novim i omiljenim cizmama iznad kolena. Danas nosim Hermes Paris maramu, River Island blejzer, Asos cizme, Top Shop torba, Atmosphere majica i Denim & Co. farmerke

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Today I will do absolutely nothing


Just as I promise here are the pictures of our Friday night out. I'm still trying to get back to normal so today I'm just relaxing . I visit my aunt and had lunch with her. After that I went on a coffee and cake with my friends.
Combination from Friday night out: blouse from, boots Asos, skirt H&M, blazer J. Taylor.


Kao sto sam i obecala stizu slike od naseg izlaska u petak. Jos pokusavam da se oporavim od toga pa nedelju provodim relaksirajuci se. Danas sam bila kod tetke na rucku, a ostatak dana sam provela sa prijateljima uz kaficu i kolace.
Kombinacija od Petka: bluza, cizme Asos, suknja H&M, sako J.Taylor.
