Thursday 10 March 2016

Tuesday - Only Tuesday? - I can't deal.


Just another rainy day.... I can not wait to go out tomorrow and forget about job and this crazy week. So stressful and  it was so hard to come back after vacation. So I have a plan for tomorrow- somehow survive day at work and then buy a pair of shoes. After that go out and have a lots of fun.
I already miss my friend.... She went back to Paris so this weekend is not going to be same without her.


Combination: Diesel jacket(new :)), Asos bag, Kitten sneakers, Zara jeans.


Jos jedan u nizu kisnih i dosadnih dana. Ne mogu da docekam sutra i da se polako privede kraju i ova nedelje . Previse stresa i jako tezak povratak nakon godisnjeg odmora. Plan za sutra: nekako preziveti posao i nakon toga otici i kupiti baletanke pa uvece izaci i zabaviti se.
Nedostaje mi drugarica koja se poslom morala vratiti za Pariz. Izlazak nece biti isti bez nje sigurno.


Kombinacija: Diesel jakna (nova :)), Asos torba, Kitten patike, Zara farmerke.



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