Sunday, 13 March 2016

Sunday- It's still the weekend!!


Sunday.... Just relax and do nothing at all. The highlight of this week was buying  new shoes (ballerinas). I'm going to show you how they look like in my next blog.
This week pass by mostly in casual combinations... I'm going to show you one of them in this blog.
 I desperately need one more day to rest and stay at home. I'm like 104% tired.


Combination: M&S jacket, Accessorize bag, Denim&Co. jeans, Bershka shoes, Accessorize scarf, Only shirt.

Hej svima,

Nedelja... Samo i iskljucivo odmaranje. Ne radim danas apsolutno nista. Jedina svetla tacka ove nedelje je kupovina novih baletanki. Pokazacu vam ih u sledecem blogu.
Ova nedelja je prosla u znaku klasicnih kombinacija. Sada cu vam pokazati jednu od njih.
Bas bi mi dobro dosao jos jedan dan da malo odmorim i ostanem kuci. Deluje mi da sam 104% umorna hihhh. 


Kombinacija: M&S jakna, Accessorize torba, Denim&Co. farmerke, Bershka cipele, Accessorize marama, Only majica.


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