Monday, 25 January 2016

I'm not feeling so well :(


Резултат слика за sick quotesAs title says I'm sick and I have a temperature for days... I was at the doctor and I'm on sick leave until next Monday so I'm home doing nothing.... Watching movies and shopping on line is not so bed way to spend my days out of work. I'm going to show you what I bought. I was watching these boots for quite some time but I didn't have opportunity to buy them. Now I found them and they are arriving tomorrow hihhi. Glitter boots are of course popular this season and Miu Miu have one good model and Saint Laurent too. I wanted the pink ones but I just chosen black ones instead. Maybe they are easier  to combine. Chiara Ferragni have her line of  glitter shoes.

As for the film recommendation Black Mass with Johnny Depp



Evo i mene konacno... Bas sam u out- u ovih dana. Bolesna sam i poseta doktoru je zavrsila sa bolovanjem od 7 dana. Sada dane provodim gledajuci filmove i on line shopping-om. Konacno sam uspela pronaci svoje sljokicaste cizmice :). Dugo sam ih trazila, ali nikako nisam uspela da ih kupim. Htela sam u pink boji, ali mislim da cu crne uspeti bolje da iskombinujem. Ove cizmice su ppularne vec dve sezone, a odlicne modele imaju Miu Miu i Saint Laurent. Takodjer je i Chiara Feragni izbacila svoju kolekciju jos 2014 godine. Njenu kolekciju mozete pogledati na sledecem linku:

Sto se tice filmske preporuke: Black Mass sa Johnny Depp-om. (obavezno pogledajte ako uhvatite vremena).


My new boots :)

Chiara Ferragni Shoes Fall/Winter 2013-2014 Campaign


50 Fresh Outfit Ideas Totally Worth Copying via @WhoWhatWear:


Резултат слика за miu miu glitter boots

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