Sunday, 13 December 2015

Today, give yourself a break!

Saturday passed so smoothly. Work and then the good part of the day having delicious lunch with my friend. Later we continue our conversation with a glass of wine or two...
These days we are beginning the small talks about what to wear on the New Years Eve. Definitely like every year we must wear something sparkly. Whether you've planned a big night out or you're sticking closer to home, embrace the opportunity to dress up. Right now I 'm thinking gold and black might just be the way to go. New Year's Eve fashion is all about glitz, glamour and glitter. You want to make a statement and not fade into the crowd of  sequins, but you also want to look classy and stay true to your style. A gold and black New Year's Eve outfit will let you do just that, and that combination is very trendy this year. I'm going to write more about this topic what to wear on  New Year's Eve. This is just beginning. Few pics- maybe you find inspirations in it.

Subota je bas prosla nekako glatko. Posao i naravno najbolji deo dana druzenje sa drugaricom uz   rucak. Razgovor se nastavio uz casu vina ili mozda dve...
Polako pocinjemo price o novogodisnjim kombinacijama. Ko ce sta obuci!? Kao i svake godine za docek moramo obuci nesto sa sljokicama - sljastece. Ako planirate neki izlazak ili cete biti u blizini kuce, svakako nemojte propustiti priliku da se sredite. Trenutno razmisljam o crno - zlatnoj kombinaciji i definitivno mislim da ce to biti moj izbor za docek Nove Godine. Za tu priliku se oblace glamurozne, sjajne i sljokicaste haljine. Sa Vasom kombinacijom treba da budete upecatljivi, a ne da se izgubite u masi. Ostanite verni svom stilu, ali ipak se obucite kako prilika zahteva. Crno- zlatna kombinacija je veoma trendi ove godine pa sigurno sa tim necete pogresiti. Pisacu Vam jos na ovu temu u narednim post-ovima. Ovo je tek pocetak. Evo par slika pa mozda pronadjete inspiraciju kako da se obucete za docek. 

What to Wear For New Year's Eve Balmain Long Square Shoulder Single Button Blazer Giuseppe Zanotti Schutz EzriMake a statement at your next birthday bash or party with this sparkling two piece style dress!! Love how the whole look comes together, just gorgeous!! :: Sparkle:: Party Dresses:: Glam Fashion:

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