Hi from me!
This week just started crazy and it's continuing that way. Yesterday I had such a good fashion combination. It was worth investing in a good pair of high knee boots, you can easily combined them with every day classic looks. Mine new baggy sweater from River Island, very trendy piece in light brown color. You can wear it on a skirt or on a dress. Only the brink of the dress needs to be visible. You can even wear it on a nightie with lace on a edges. I'm going to show you my combination. The discovery of the day is Maybelline Baby Lips in electro pop shades. I have color strike a rose. On a recommendation from my friend I bought a natural hand made soap from producer called Sofi. Here is the link so you can read more if you are interested http://www.sofi.rs/rs I almost forgot to mention that I finally have my copy of a book How to be Parisian wherever you are from Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret and Anne Berest. So happy today....
Kombinacija: River Island dzemper, Omiljene Asos cizme iznad kolena i spavacica M&S.
Pesma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef1nJWtkprU
This week just started crazy and it's continuing that way. Yesterday I had such a good fashion combination. It was worth investing in a good pair of high knee boots, you can easily combined them with every day classic looks. Mine new baggy sweater from River Island, very trendy piece in light brown color. You can wear it on a skirt or on a dress. Only the brink of the dress needs to be visible. You can even wear it on a nightie with lace on a edges. I'm going to show you my combination. The discovery of the day is Maybelline Baby Lips in electro pop shades. I have color strike a rose. On a recommendation from my friend I bought a natural hand made soap from producer called Sofi. Here is the link so you can read more if you are interested http://www.sofi.rs/rs I almost forgot to mention that I finally have my copy of a book How to be Parisian wherever you are from Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret and Anne Berest. So happy today....
The combination: River Island sweater, favorite high knee botts from Asos, nightie from M&S,
Ova nedelja je stvarno pocela u nekom ludom ritmu, a bome se i nastavlja tako. Juce sam bila bas ponosna na svoju modnu kombinaciju. Toliko jednostavno, ali ipak toliko upecatljivo. Stvarno dobra odluka i investicija u cizme iznad kolena. Njih mozete kombinovati uz svakodnevne klasicne kombinacije. Moj novi predimenzionirani dzemper od River Island-a, veoma popularan model u svetlo smedjoj boji. Mozete ga nositi na suknju ili haljinu. Trik je u tome da vam se vidi samo rub haljine koji moze biti u nekoj upecatljivoj boji. Mozete dzemper nositi i po najnovijim trendovima, a to je da jednostavno vas dzemper obucete na spavacicu kojoj se takodje vidi samo rub. Pokazacu Vam moju kombinaciju. Otkrice dana Maybelline Baby Lips u boji Strike a rose. Na preporuku prijateljice danas sam kupila sapun na prirodnoj bazi od aktivnog uljena i gline za ciscenje lica. Domaca proizvodnja je u pitanju i proizvodjac se zove Sofi. Napisacu Vam utiske. Evo linka ako zelite da proucite njihove proizvode http://www.sofi.rs/rs Umalo sam zaboravila da napomenem da sam konacno dosla do svog primerka knjige How to be Parisian wherever you are od Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret i Anne Berest. Bas sam happy danas.....
Kombinacija: River Island dzemper, Omiljene Asos cizme iznad kolena i spavacica M&S.
Pesma: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef1nJWtkprU
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