Saturday, 26 December 2015



Finally Saturday! Merry Christmas to you all.... of course who is celebrating this one. Because in this multi - national environment we have double celebration. I had a great time with my family and friends. I even had a little bit of time to make one kind of a cookies- Christmas classic.

Here is the recipe: 


Prep time: 4 hours, 15 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes    
Yield: Makes approximately 50 cookies


  • 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 cups white granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon espresso powder (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup confectioners’ sugar


1 In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (though you can do this with a wooden spoon, too) beat together the cocoa powder, white sugar, and vegetable oil until it comes together into a shiny, gritty, black dough of sorts.
2 Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing for 30 seconds each. Add the vanilla and beat in thoroughly.
3 In a separate bowl, whisk together the flourbaking powdersalt, and espresso powder if using. Mix into the chocolate mixture on low speed until just combined. Do not over beat. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and chill the dough for four hours or overnight.
4 Preheat the oven to 350°F and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Place the confectioner's sugar in a wide bowl. Using a rounded teaspoon get clumps of the chilled dough and roll them into 1-inch (2.5 cm) sized balls using your hands. Roll the balls in the confectioner's sugar and place on the cookie sheets (you should be able to get 12-16 on each sheet).
5 Bake at 350°F for 10-12 minutes. Allow to cool a minute or two on the sheets before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Combination: Love Elfs cap, Top Shop bag, Stradivarius blouse, jacket M&S, Magazzini Del Sale vest.


Konacno je subota! Sretan Bozic svima koji slave. Posto zivimo u multi- kulti sredini pa slavimo dva puta. Divno sam se provela sa svojom porodicom i prijateljima. Cak sam uspela i da ispecem jednu vrstu kolaca - klasicni Bozicni kolacici. Evo recepta:


60 g maslaca
200g tamne cokolade
100g secera
2 jaja
2 kasicice ekstrakta vanilije
200g glatkog brasna
na vrh viljuske soli
pola kasicice praska za pecivo
50g secera u prahu za valjanje kuglica


Na pari rastopite cokoladu i maslac dok ne dobijete jednolicnu smesu. Jaja i secer dobro promiksajte, Dodajte vaniliju i otopljenu cokoladu i sve dobro promesajte. U posudi promesajte brasno, so i prasak za pecivo, pa dodajte u smesu sa cokoladom, dobro promesajte.
Posudu prekrijte plasticnom folijom, stavite u frizider najmanje 5 sati ili preko noci. Secer u prahu prosijte, plehove oblozite pek papirom, pecnicu zagrejte na 170 stepeni. Lagano pobrasnite ruke i oblikujte kuglice velicine oraha. Svaku dobro uvaljajte u secer u prahu, otresite ostatak secera i slazite na pleh. Pecite ih cca 10 minuta, sredina keksica kad popucaju mora ostati meka. Ostavite da se ohlade i pospremite u limenu kutiju.

Kombinacija: Love Elfs kapa, Top Shop torba, sako M&S, Stradivarius bluza, Magazzini Del Sale prsluk.


Sunday, 20 December 2015

Books & coffee

Today I'm taking the time for reading a book and drinking in peace a few cups of coffee. It's Sunday.... Book - How to be Parisian Wherever You Are is just great. I'm in the middle of it so I think I'm going to finish it today. After that I'm switching to another book I didn't finished these days "Grey"....

Danas se odmaram i konacno sam nasla vremena za citanje knjiga, uz to cu popiti koju kaficu. Ipak je nedelja.... Knjiga ''Kako biti Parizanka gde god da ste'' je sto se mene tice odlicna, otprilike sam na polovini pa kad je zavrsim recicu Vam krajnje utiske. Nakon toga nastavljam sa 'Grejom". Tu knjigu sam isto davno pocela citati, ali naravno nikako da je uspem procitati do kraja.

I'm going to write about a few of my favourite cosmetics products these days. First the best shampoo ever is Aussie Aussome Volume. The smell of this shampoo is so so good.  The Aussie Philosophy- ''There's more to life than hair, but it's a good place to start". You can see all the product's on web site :

Pisacu Vam danas o par mojih omiljenih kozmetickih proizvoda. Prvo najbolji sampon ikad Aussie Aussome Volumen. Miris ovog sampona je jednostavno divan. Filozofija Aussie-a je 'There's more to life than hair, but it's a good place to start". Mozete videti sve njihove proizvode na web stranici

Next one eye shadows from Maybelline Color Tatoo - I own about 4 of them and I still want more. These are just perfect as eyeshadow bases. They're also great for wearing alone if you want a quick, easy look.  It’s hard not to fall in love with these Maybelline Color Tattoos for their texture and pigmentation. Getting to the level of intensity you desire is a piece of cake too. Sometimes I’ll go with just one layer for a simple touch of color, sometimes I’ll build up to four, five layers to get a really concentrated coat.  

Sledeci omiljeni proizvod su senke za oci Maybelline Color Tatoo- imam ih oko 4 i sigurno cu nastaviti sa kupovinom istih.
Stvarno su odlicne  i mogu da se koriste kao baza za senke. Mozete ih nositi i same ako zelite na brzinu da se nasminkate. Tesko da se necete zaljubiti u ove senke, tekstura im je odlicna kao i pigmentacija. Lako mozete uticati na to koliki intenzitet boje zelite. Mozete staviti jedan sloj ili vise, razliku cete i sami primetiti. Evo linka pa pogledajte paletu boja.   

One more beauty product in which I swear - Batiste
I cannot survive with Batiste dry shampoo. I have tried countless other brands that all leave my hair feeling tacky/sticky or don't work well. Batiste gives the perfect amount of volume, whilst soaking up oil and leaving hair soft and wonderful. 

Jos jedan proizvod u koji se kunem hihhi je Batiste sampon za suvo pranje. Ja ne mogu da zivim bez ovog proizvoda. Probala sam hrpu razlicitih proizvoda na ovu temu i od kad sam pronasla Batiste, ne trazim dalje. Drugi proizvodi su lepili kosu i ostavljali beli trag. Batiste ostavlja kosu cistom, mirisnom, mekanom i nema slepljivanja. Ima razlicitih vrsta pa proucite na web-u.

And last but not least nail polish China glaze in color Thistle do Nicely 1290
I poslednji proizvod za danas China Glaze lak za nokte u boji 1290 Thistle do Nicely.


Tnx sis. for distribution (Aussie)

Friday, 18 December 2015

I don't work on Friday's , I make appearances

Hello people!

Here I am! You can feel it in the air that holidays are coming. Town finally lives with full lungs. People are busily going from store to store buying what they need or don't  need for Holidays. Traditional Christmas Market is in the center of the town near Town Hall. You can buy there Christmas gifts, Christmas tree decorations, sweets and warm drinks. And of course in the stores discounts are appearing. But we are waiting for the bigger ones after the New Year.
Friday combination: wearing red dress Oasis, Asos boots, Liu Jo belt, Accessorize necklace.


Caos svima,

Evo i mene! Tacno se u gradu oseti da nam stizu praznici. Konacno grad dise punim plucima. Ljudi uzurbano obilaze prodavnice kupujuci sta im treba i ne treba za praznike. Naravno tu je i tradicionalni Bozicni sajam na trgu u blizini Gradske Kuce. Tu mozete pronaci svasta, poklone za najmilije, Bozicne dekoracije, slatkise i tople napitke (kuvano vino). Naravno da pocinju i popusti u raznim prodavnicama, ali ipak cekamo da prodje Nova Godina pa da budu jos veci.
Kombinacija za petak: crvena haljina Oasis, Asos cizme, Liu Jo kais, Accessorize ogrlica.

Song :

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Today, give yourself a break!

Saturday passed so smoothly. Work and then the good part of the day having delicious lunch with my friend. Later we continue our conversation with a glass of wine or two...
These days we are beginning the small talks about what to wear on the New Years Eve. Definitely like every year we must wear something sparkly. Whether you've planned a big night out or you're sticking closer to home, embrace the opportunity to dress up. Right now I 'm thinking gold and black might just be the way to go. New Year's Eve fashion is all about glitz, glamour and glitter. You want to make a statement and not fade into the crowd of  sequins, but you also want to look classy and stay true to your style. A gold and black New Year's Eve outfit will let you do just that, and that combination is very trendy this year. I'm going to write more about this topic what to wear on  New Year's Eve. This is just beginning. Few pics- maybe you find inspirations in it.

Subota je bas prosla nekako glatko. Posao i naravno najbolji deo dana druzenje sa drugaricom uz   rucak. Razgovor se nastavio uz casu vina ili mozda dve...
Polako pocinjemo price o novogodisnjim kombinacijama. Ko ce sta obuci!? Kao i svake godine za docek moramo obuci nesto sa sljokicama - sljastece. Ako planirate neki izlazak ili cete biti u blizini kuce, svakako nemojte propustiti priliku da se sredite. Trenutno razmisljam o crno - zlatnoj kombinaciji i definitivno mislim da ce to biti moj izbor za docek Nove Godine. Za tu priliku se oblace glamurozne, sjajne i sljokicaste haljine. Sa Vasom kombinacijom treba da budete upecatljivi, a ne da se izgubite u masi. Ostanite verni svom stilu, ali ipak se obucite kako prilika zahteva. Crno- zlatna kombinacija je veoma trendi ove godine pa sigurno sa tim necete pogresiti. Pisacu Vam jos na ovu temu u narednim post-ovima. Ovo je tek pocetak. Evo par slika pa mozda pronadjete inspiraciju kako da se obucete za docek. 

What to Wear For New Year's Eve Balmain Long Square Shoulder Single Button Blazer Giuseppe Zanotti Schutz EzriMake a statement at your next birthday bash or party with this sparkling two piece style dress!! Love how the whole look comes together, just gorgeous!! :: Sparkle:: Party Dresses:: Glam Fashion:

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Happy Thursday! Stay warm and cozy, inside and out ❤

Hi from me!

This week just started crazy and it's continuing that way. Yesterday I had such a good fashion combination. It was worth investing in a good pair of high knee boots, you can easily combined them with every day classic looks. Mine new baggy sweater from River Island, very trendy piece in light brown color. You can wear it on a skirt or on a dress. Only the brink of the dress needs to be visible. You can even wear it on a nightie with lace on a edges. I'm going to show you my combination. The discovery of the day is Maybelline Baby Lips in electro pop shades. I have color strike a rose. On a recommendation from my friend I bought a natural hand made soap from producer called Sofi. Here is the link so you can read more if you are interested  I almost forgot to mention that I finally have my copy of a book How to be Parisian wherever you are from Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret and Anne Berest. So happy today....

The combination: River Island sweater, favorite high knee botts from Asos, nightie from M&S, 

Ova nedelja je stvarno pocela u nekom ludom ritmu, a bome se i nastavlja tako. Juce sam bila bas ponosna na svoju modnu kombinaciju. Toliko jednostavno, ali  ipak toliko upecatljivo. Stvarno dobra odluka i investicija u cizme iznad kolena. Njih mozete kombinovati uz svakodnevne klasicne kombinacije. Moj novi predimenzionirani dzemper od River Island-a, veoma popularan model u svetlo smedjoj boji. Mozete ga nositi na suknju ili haljinu. Trik je u tome da vam se vidi samo rub haljine koji moze biti u nekoj upecatljivoj boji. Mozete dzemper nositi i po najnovijim trendovima, a to je da jednostavno vas dzemper obucete na spavacicu kojoj se takodje vidi samo rub. Pokazacu Vam moju kombinaciju. Otkrice dana Maybelline Baby Lips u boji Strike a rose.  Na preporuku prijateljice danas sam kupila sapun na prirodnoj bazi od aktivnog uljena i gline za ciscenje lica. Domaca proizvodnja je u pitanju i proizvodjac se zove Sofi. Napisacu Vam utiske. Evo linka ako zelite da proucite njihove proizvode  Umalo sam zaboravila da napomenem da sam konacno dosla do svog primerka knjige How to be Parisian  wherever you are od Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret i  Anne Berest. Bas sam happy danas.....

Kombinacija: River Island dzemper, Omiljene Asos cizme iznad kolena i spavacica M&S.


Sunday, 6 December 2015

Pajamas all day! Love AQUAZZURA!


Today like the tittle says: Pajamas all day long. I'm on the net surfing and studying which pair of shoes to put on a wish list. My favourite shoe brand is AQUAZZURA. I'm going to tell you in a few sentence something about this brand.
Not a new name in shoe industry is Edgardo Osorio who stands behind brand AQUAZZURA. He attended the London Collage of Fashion and Central Saint Martins, he made his first strides in footwear world within some of the most prestigious luxury brands such as Salvatore Ferragamo, Sigerson Morrison and Roberto Cavalli in 2011. After working in the industry for 10 years, and at just 25 years old, Edgardo lunched his luxury footwear brand AQUAZZURA. 
One of the prettiest model is Jadore Flat in caramel:
This pair is going to be on my wish list because I love flats for daily combinations. But I don't have nothing against a few pairs of high heels from this brand.

Find them: i|cgn:QFGLnEolOWg&c3ch=LinkShare&c3nid=QFGLnEolOWg&utm_source=RAN_UK&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=QFGLnEolOWg
just a click away... 



Danas kako naslov kaze: u pidzami sam celi dan. Surfajuci net-om i proucavajuci ponudu, uvek se vracam na brend AQUAZZURA. Trenutno jako popularan brend poznat po proizvodnji luksuznih cipela . Recicu Vam u par recenica nesto o tom brendu. Edgardo Osorio nije novi u svetu mode, on je osnivac koji stoji iza brenda AQUAZZURA. Zavrsio je  u Londonu Collage of Fashion i Central Saint Martins, poceo je svoje prve korake u modnom svetu saradjujuci sa najluksuznijim brendovima kao sto su  Salvatore Ferragamo, Sigerson Morrison i  Roberto Cavalli u  2011 godini. Radeci u modnoj industriji deset godina i u svojoj 25- toj godini odlucio se da pokrene spostveni modni brend AQUZZURA. 
Najlepsi model baletanki je definitivno Jadore Flat u karamel boji:
Ovaj par ce se naci na mojoj listi zelja, obozavam baletanke jel se odlicno mogu kombinovati u dnevnim kombinacijama. Naravno da necu imati nista protiv jos kojeg para cipela tog brenda.
Pronadite ih na ova dva linka: i|cgn:QFGLnEolOWg&c3ch=LinkShare&c3nid=QFGLnEolOWg&utm_source=RAN_UK&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=QFGLnEolOWg 
